Only Justice Can Pave the Way for Sustainable Peace in Israel and Palestine

Hindus for Human Rights is profoundly distressed by the ongoing and intensified unrest in Israel and Palestine. We wish to draw attention to a poignant statement from our colleagues at Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ), which mirrors our sentiment.

Our Hindu teachings emphasize the principle of "Ahimsa" or non-violence, not just in actions but in words and thoughts as well. Violence, in any form, disrupts the harmony and balance of the world, and it deeply saddens us to see these teachings disregarded. 

At the same time, we cannot afford to pretend that this weekend’s events took place in a vacuum or devoid of context. After more than seventy-five years of brutal and illegal occupation, accompanied by the blockade of Gaza and denial of fundamental human rights such as the freedom of movement and access to basic necessities like water, medicines, and medical care, Palestinians find themselves in a dire predicament. Their choices are heart-wrenching: to leave their ancestral lands, endure under the weight of occupation and apartheid, or stand up in resistance.

Today, we are mourning the hundreds of lives lost this weekend—both Palestinian and Israeli. We are especially horrified and concerned by many of the reactions we have seen to this violence, including a Knesset member’s calls for a second Nakba and the Israeli defense minister’s plans to place Gaza under “complete siege.” Such stances, in addition to being morally indefensible, also risk exacerbating an already volatile situation, leading to further loss of innocent lives on both sides.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said that “until we commit ourselves to ensuring that the underclass is given justice and opportunity, we will continue to perpetuate the anger and violence that tears the soul of this nation. I fear I am integrating my people into a burning house." Echoing these wise words, which ring truer today than ever before, we believe that sustainable peace in Israel and Palestine can only be achieved when justice prevails for the Palestinian people. And at the heart of this justice lies the pressing need to end the occupation.

Drawing from our Hindu beliefs, we urge all parties involved to embrace the path of Ahimsa and find peaceful solutions to the challenges they face.


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