November Roundup Newsletter
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Nov 29, 2023

2023 has been a landmark year of growth and success for Hindus for Human Rights, and we're thrilled to invite you to our grand celebration! As we reflect on our achievements and set our sights on the future, let's come together for a night of joy, inspiration, exceptional entertainment, soul-stirring music, and heartfelt stories

🏆  Join us for the Swami Agnivesh Awards Ceremony, honoring those who have made amazing contributions to human rights.

🎙️Hosted as always  by Sravya Tadepalli, our fantastic board member bringing her unique charm and energy to the stage, and guiding us through a night of celebration and camaraderie.

🌈 A Celebration of Hope This is more than just a gathering; it's a celebration of hope, unity, and the unwavering spirit of our community. Join us in this festive occasion as we cherish our wins and embrace the promising journey ahead.

Your presence will make this event even more special. Come, celebrate hope and harmony with us!

Get your tickets for the 4th Annual Gala Now! 

November Roundup Newsletter: HfHR Gala Invite and 2024 Calendar Now Avaialble

HfHR's Monthly Newsletter serves as your guide to our progressive Hindu advocacy over the past month! Read on to learn about our webinars, podcasts, articles, advocacy updates, anti-caste initiatives, and more.


Dear Friend,

As November draws to a close, we reflect on the enduring message of Diwali, emphasizing the victory of light over darkness, good over evil. At Hindus for Human Rights, we have actively embodied this philosophy through our  peace demonstrations, calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and advocating for harmony in crisis and war globally. This season of Diwali and Thanksgiving has been a time for us to deepen our commitment to these principles, guided by our Hindu beliefs in Ahimsa (non-violence) and Shanti (peace).

Our efforts to build community and foster understanding are more crucial than ever. We invite you to join us on December 16th for our Celebration of Hope Gala, a convergence of individuals dedicated to the cause of global peace and justice. This gathering is not just an event; it's a symbol of our unwavering commitment to these core values.

In solidarity and hope,

The Team at HfHR

Buy Your 2024 Calendar Today!
Explore diverse festivals, significant dates in South Asian history, and remember notable social justice activists. It's not just a tool to plan your year; it's an invitation for spiritual reflection and a resource for political education. Perfect for your home or as a thoughtful gift. Get your calendar here.

A Month of Many Diwalis

We convened a powerful Multi-Faith Diwali Gathering on Capitol Hill, urging for a ceasefire in Gaza. Representatives Tlaib, Khanna, and Jayapal delivered poignant messages of peace at the event, which served as a beacon of solidarity amidst so many ongoing global challenges. Find out more about this inspiring event on our site.

Hindus for Human Rights in the Bay Area celebrated the essence of Diwali with a vibrant celebration of progressive values and inclusivity a resounding affirmation of unity, diversity, and the joyous spirit of Diwali.

This month we share prayers for peace from Hindu Panditas and Pandits in the USA. Their collective voice this Diwali season aims to dispel the darkness of war, lighting a path to peace on Earth.
This Diwali season HfHR's own Sravya Tadepalli and David Kalal were out tabling at Light Up Diwali in Montclair NJ and at the United India Association of New England's Diwali - meeting the community, fostering meaningful connections and  making the events true celebrations of unity and shared values.

Diwali is a NYC Public School Holiday!

Diwali is now an official NYC Public School Holiday! Gov. Kathy Hochul recently signed the Diwali bill into law, marking a significant step in inclusivity and diversity recognition. This achievement, more than just a day off, reflects the city's commitment to respecting its diverse community. Shout out to to the Caribbean Equality Project and Sadhana for their tireless efforts in this campaign
HfHR for a Gaza Ceasefire
from NYC to DC to the UK
HfHR was part of the calls for peace and justice in Washington DC,  at the Manhattan Bridge in NYC,  in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, at Columbia University and in London in the UK -- representing a unique and necessary Hindu voice for a cease-fire in Gaza and demanding accountability from elected officials and leaders  internationally.
Writing on Gaza
HfHR's own Pranay Somayajula and IAMC's Safa Ahmed on Indian Americans responsibility to advocate for peace over violence. Read the article here.

Our ED Sunita reflects on the stark realities of a war-torn world at a time of Diwali celebrations.  Read her insightful op-ed here

Explore the unsettling alliance between far-right Hindus and pro-Israel sentiments in this article by IAMC's Safa Ahmed. Read the full story for a comprehensive understanding

Join thousands of Indian Americans demanding a permanent ceasefire in Gaza

Akka Mahadevi - Bhakti Rebel

Akka Mahadevi, a renowned poet-saint from Karnataka, India, emerged as a beacon of progressive thought during the 12th-century Bhakti movement. Her defiant stance against prevailing societal norms and gender expectations marked her as one of the most radical figures of her time. Learn more and watch the latest video from our Voices of Love Series
BAPS Temple and Forced Labor
Listen to this WNYC report on the BAPS Akshardham Temple's Troubled Opening. HfHR's Ed Sunita Viswanath offers valuable insights in this complex story with Arun Venugopal from WNYC's Race and Justice Unit.
Our Interfaith Fellows - Agents for Change
Read more about how our groundbreaking initiative  our 'Interfaith Harmony Student Fellowship' is providing a space for college students who are taking the lead in defusing Hindu-Muslim tensions and pioneering lasting community and cultural change.

Help Us Combat Hindu Nationalist &
Anti-Democracy Forces

Award for Excellence in Interfaith Relations
Sunita Viswanath, our Executive Director, was recognized this month with the "Excellence in Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations" award by the New York State Council of Churches.
Thank You!

As November ends, we reflect on a month where we've embraced both challenges and achievements on a global scale. Your support has been pivotal in our pursuit of human rights, helping us voice our commitment to peace and justice.

Your partnership is vital. With your involvement, we've championed the cause of the oppressed and upheld our dedication to inclusivity and understanding. Together, we're forging a path towards a just and compassionate future.

With deep gratitude, the HfHR Board & Staff thank you. Energized by our joint efforts, we eagerly anticipate the positive impact we'll continue to make.

Here's to our united vision and the hopeful days that lie ahead.

David, Deepak, Harita, Prabodh, Pranay, Punya, Raju, Ravi, Ria, Sandeep, Shanti, Sravya, Sunil, Sunita, Swati, Swathi, Urmila, Vijay 

Join Us
Interested in co-creating a pluralistic, inclusive and compassionate world based on human rights and values? 

Come, join us as a donor, staff, volunteer, or even as a blogger by writing to us at

We urge those of you who can to become monthly subscribers, for at least $50 per month for the next year. Sustained financial support from progressive allies like you is more crucial than ever to ensure that we can do this work without interruption, and without being intimidated by the resourced right wing.
Donate here
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Hindus for Human Rights · 4575 Dean Martin Drive, Suite 1604 · Las Vegas, Nevada 89103-8207 · USA